Chapter 2

Author's pov

It's been 5 years.

4 years of her job, study and then an year of her marriage.

To the one she fell in love with. Unknowingly.

Sadhavi was heartbroken when she saw him kissing his love so dearly.

She couldn't help but let her heart shatter into pieces.

But then again, she felt so wrong to feel bad about someone's happiness.

The only thought she got after a month was that her parents didn't deserved her sadness. The one's that always supported her didn't deserved it.

So she drowned herself in studies and went to abroad and her parents shifted to Delhi.

As soon as she returned to India her mom asked her to get married. But she denied saying that she needed to become independent and that she should gain some experience for work. Her parents eventually agreed with her.

But after 2 years her mom denied her reasons and began to look for a groom.

And that's how she met him again.

The unrequited and one sided love of her life.

When sadhavi heard that her mom really liked a guy and his name was "vidarth" she was shocked. But her inner voice spoke that there can be many people with a single name.

Without thinking further she agreed to meet the guy only to find vidarth who was the reason of her heartbreak.

She still remembered how she sat inside the cozy cafeteria waiting for her mother's choice.

He denied marrying her. But she wanted to marry him. To make him forget his pain and the most important one. To heal him.

They were married.

She never expected him to love her back. The only thing that she expected from him was for him to not cheat on her.

He didn't care about her. He never asked her if she had eaten food. Heck ! He didn't even know when her birthday was.

Her mother and father in law were the kindest people she ever met after her parents. As she lived with them for 2 months in her early days of marriage she knew where he got his traits of helping people from.

But she didn't thought the same about her sister in law (Ramya)and brother in law(Tarun) . Her husband's brother and sister.

She tried to talk with them. But they both always treated her as an outcast. Not only them , but her vidarth too.

It didn't pained her that much when Tarun and RamyaΒ  passed her disgusting looks. But it pricked her when vidarth forgot about her and didn't brought her any gift after he was promoted in his job while he bought one for everyone in the family.

She cried that night. So much that her mother in law asked her if she slept too much before night because of her swollen eyes.

She didn't knew why her bestfriends jhanvi and her husband harsh didn't liked vidarth that much.

But neither jhanvi and harsh never shown any hatred towards him infront her knowing that it might hurt sadhavi.

Sadhavi felt happy when jhanvi said that a boy from her college proposed her. She hoped that the boy won't break her bestfriend's heart.

Cut to, they were married for 4 years now.Β It was none other than harsh. He was the most humble and cracked person sadhavi met after her bestfriend.

Soon harsh also became sadhavi's bestfriend.

At her initial days of marriage she tried to speak to him. But he would shut her off by saying "don't forget that I don't love you".

And the days turned to weeks , weeks to months and months to a year and she understood that he doesn't like to talk to her.

Vidarth and sadhavi only talk when needed for things like current bills, groceries and if there is need of anything for their 3 bedroom flat in Bangalore.

His bestfriend Karthik always praised her cooking though vidarth never did. She always expected him to say something about her cooking skills. It's not like she didn't cook well. It's just that she wanted to hear a compliment from vidarth.

Sadhavi came out of her sad and happy memories when she heard the bus horn from the back. She looked up to see that the signal turned to green.

She daily drove to office on her scooty and vidarth sometimes used his bike and sometimes his car Swift dzire.

She entered their flat to witness him drinking coffee at 8 in the night. That only meant one thing. Vidarth was getting headache.

She quickly freshened up and served them food. Both of them began to eat in silence.

Vidarth as he does everyday was cleaning the dishes when sadhavi spoke "I can manage for today. You can sleep".

She didn't got any reply as usual.

Sadhavi saw how handsome her husband looked. The way his steel kada was in his left hand , the way his shirt is rolled up so it can't get wet and the way his veiny hands were washing the dishes.

'seriously sadhavi? When he is doing the dishes?!' Her mind mocked her.

Sadhavi paid no heed to her mind and oggled at him being in the kitchen doing nothing but drinking water from a glass.

Vidarth cleaned his hands after washing the dishes with a dry cloth and went to their bedroom to sleep.

Sadhavi liked when vidarth got headaches. Because he let her do the hair massage. The only time he allowed her to touch his hair. But then again she felt bad for enjoying when he was in pain.

She asked him slowly "vidarth, should I massage your hair?!"

He just hummed and got up and sat down near the bed indicating that he agreed to get a massage. Sadhavi felt happy that he agreed.

She went to kitchen and came back with a bowl which consisted some amount of heated coconut oil.

She took some amount of it in her hands and began rubbing it on his scalp. She then spread it through his whole hair going through his locks.

She felt him dozing off. So she just asked him to go sleep on the bed in a whisper.

Vidarth nodded his head slowly and got up to sleep. By the time she came back from kitchen, sadhavi saw vidarth sleeping with a cute frown resting on his face.

She climbed on to the bed and turned to other side to sleep knowing that she will stare at him if she slept turning towards his face.


Niyati's pov

"That's your 5th puff today. Are you okay niya?!" I heard Nicole my roommate ask.

"I'm not nic" I spoke and resumed my smoking.

"Stop niya. You know it's dangerous to health. And yet you do this?! Just for someone who couldn't wait for you?!" Nic spoke as she combed her hair.

"It's not his fault Nicole. It was never his. It was my fault for leaving him. We promised that we will celebrate every together even if it meant sadness or happiness" I spoke as tears formed in my eyes.

"If you love him that much then go to him niya. Chase him and make him yours" I heard her stupid advice.

"You know that he's already married yet you are giving me this advice?! Seriously nic?!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"So what if he's married? Didn't you said he loves you too much ?!" She questioned me.

I nodded my head in a yes.

"Then he won't be able to move on. What if he doesn't love his wife?! I mean there can be a possibility right?! What if he's just being with his wife for formality or because she's a responsibility that his parents threw on him?!" Nicole spoke turning towards me.

I didn't know what to answer. Because it was me who broke all the promises and left him.

"He's not the type to turn his face away from his responsibilities. I know him" i replied her.

"If you know him that much then you must also know if he would actually move on from you" she stated.

I can tell that he wouldn't have moved on from me. Though he's married, he wouldn't forget me and the memories we made together.

I decided.

I will go to India. I will meet him. I will talk to him . I know he will come back to me.

Families and friends β™₯️

Surya Arora- Father of sadhavi

Priya Arora - Mother of Sadhavi

Female lead - Sadhavi Arora

Jhanvi Singh - Bestfriend of sadhavi

Harsh Singh - Husband of jhanvi and bestfriend of sadhavi.

Vishnukumar Mehta - Father of vidarth

Sulochana Mehta - Mother of vidarth

Male lead - Vidarth Mehta

Tarun Mehta - Brother of Vidarth

Ramya Mehta - Small sister of vidarth and tarun.

Karthik Patel - Bestfriend of vidarth.

Manisha Patel - Wife of Karthik and good friend of vidarth.

To be continued...

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