Rudra was in his room. He was calm . No one disturbed him.
After aishani said to everyone not to disturb him , everyone dispersed to their rooms.
Manhar and keshavi went together.
Aishani and Krupa (aishu's mom) were in Raichand's mansion only . As Krupa knew that her bestfriend needs her more.
And aishani also stopped here to see if rudra come out and says anything.
But he didn't even came out for dinner. Everyone
The Raichand's mansion was silent. Aishani saw the time and went towards kitchen.
She heated some leftover rice and curry and made a roti and began walking upstairs.
She thought several times before doing this. But she knows how rudra must be feeling , so she went ahead.
She knocked on the door. She didn't heard any response like last time. So she took a deep breath and entered inside Rudra's room.
The room was nothing like how it was few hours before. It was clean. There were no glass and mirror pieces.
There is no trace of broken wooden objects. Aishani was shocked. Her eyes roamed over the room.
She spotted Rudransh on the swing which was situated in balcony . She thought he was asleep because by his posture.
She grabbed the Ottoman from his room and went and sat right in front of him. She called him "Rudra.."
Rudra opened his eyes which were more red than how they were before. Aishani forwarded the plate infront him indicating him to eat.
Rudra clenched his jaw. Aishani knew he was about to shout on her. So she quickly spoke "mein kuch nahi bolungi. Bas khaana kha ke mujhe plate de do".
(I won't speak anything. Just eat the food and give me the plate.)
Rudra looked at her with an "are you serious" look. Aishani shrugged and gave him the plate.
Rudra took the plate from her harshly. For a second aishu thought that the rice and curry will be spilled and there will be a mess.
But the next second she thanked God that it didn't happened.
Rudra started eating it slowly.
Aishu turned her ottoman which was facing him to the view that can be seen from the balcony.
She started "i know how you are feeling rudra. Though you didn't spoke anything, i can tell from your eyes. I know your heart is screaming inside .
Let it out rudra. Don't keep it for yourself. Share your pain and agony rudra. It will make you feel better".
Rudra didn't stop eating . Aishu knows that he heard her . She also knows that when he wants he will open up.
So she didn't speak anything further and just sat in silence.
Rudra ate the dinner. Aishani stood and went towards his room to bring water.
She bought the water in a glass and gave it to rudra. Rudra took it silently and drank.
Aishani took it back and held the plate and was about to go. She heard him speak for the first time in hours.
He spoke " let's go on long drive Aishani." Aishu thought that it can make his mood feel light so she murmured a small yes and said "I'll wait for you downstairs".
Rudra nodded . Aishu went out of the room. After 10 minutes , aishani spotted rudra descending the stairs.
They went out , rudra was in his hoodie. While aishu was in night pyjamas which were given to her by Tara.
Aishu was about to go and sit in driver's seat. But rudra held his hand out. Aishani looked at him confused.
Rudra replied "give me keys. I'll drive". Aishani gave him a nod and went to other side and sat in passenger seat.
Rudra started the car. After few minutes they were in the middle of the road.
No , the city wasn't silent. There were still many people roaming even if it's 1am.
Some were going home , while some were still selling things for their livelihood. While some other were just roaming after getting drunk.
Rudra raised the speed and opened the windows. Aishu felt the air hit her face.
After another hour, rudra took a U -turn from the highway . Aishani thought that they are heading home.
But how wrong she was. He started driving towards the familiar route.
By the time aishani knew where rudra is taking , they were in front his building where Hridev lives.
I guess not only Hridev now but also rudra's ex. Aishani looked at rudra with horror clearly visible in her eyes.
Rudra got out of the car and started walking. Aishani hurriedly got out of the car so that she can match with rudra's pace .
Rudra stopped infront of the lift . Aishani held rudra's hand. They were cold. His palm , fingers were freaking cold.
As if he came from a cool place. She looked at him and said "nahi rudra. Please. It's not right , atleast not now , not at this time of hour."
( No rudra , please. It's not right . At least not now at this time of hour .)
Soon the elevator came. Rudra entered..along with him , aishu also entered.
Rudra looked at her and spoke "didn't you said that i should let out my pain ?!"
Though aishani said that , she didn't wished to go to someone's home this late and talk with them about pain".
Aishani didn't replied him back. Soon the elevator pinged. Making her aware that they reached to his floor.
Rudra and aishu got out of the elevator. Rudra started walking. Soon they were infront of hridev's flat.
Rudra rang the doorbell . Hridev saw from his intercom that it's rudra and aishani.
He contemplated whether to open or not . Breaking his thoughts , He opened the door.
Rudra looked at him and went straight inside his flat. Aishu followed rudra.
In the living room , they spotted already seated manhar , keshavi and vachi who whose eyes were red due to crying.
Vachi looked up and met with familiar blue eyes and brown eyes. She knew who they were.
Rudra went and sat on the couch as if everything's normal. Aishani went toward vachi and hugged her tightly.
Though aishani was upset and mad at them , she till hugged her best friend.
Vachi started crying against aishu's shoulder. Aishu sensed that she won't stop anytime. So she softly murmured "shhh . Bas ".
(Shhh . Stop )
Keshavi went to kitchen and brought water. Aishu made vachi drink the water..
Rudra was silently observing everything.
Manhar turned to rudra and spoke "tu yaha kya kar raha hai ?"
(What are you doing here?)
Rudra looked at him and replied " what YOU are doing here ?!".
Manhar rolled his eyes and added "mein inn logon se baat karne aaya hu".
( I came here to talk to them )
"They are friends before every other relation . Agar mein inn ke sath inki khushiyon mein nahi rahunga toh aur kaun rahega ?!" rudra spoke by looking at everyone of them.
(They are friends before every other relation. If i don't take part in their happiness then who will ?)
Hridev's eyes widened. Keshavi opened her mouth in shock. Aishani was just looking at rudra with no emotions in her eyes. Vachi was too stunned.
Rudra got up from sofa and went towards Hridev and hugged him . A tight hug. He muttered a "happy married life " in his ear.
Hridev didn't hug him back. So rudra looked at him and spoke "kya ?! Won't you reciprocate the hug ?".
( What ?! Won't you reciprocate the hug? )
Hridev immediately hugged him back. Rudra broke the hug and saw vachi sitting down on floor.
Rudra went to vachi and held his hand out for a handshake. Vachi just looked at him.
So , rudra took her hand and began giving her a handshake and muttered "happy married life bab .. sorry vachi".
Vachi eyes stung with tears by hearing him mistakenly call her baby.
Hridev looked at both of them painfully. Manhar saw how one of his bestfriend was in pain , and how his another bestfriend too was in pain.
The only difference was , one was in pain due to heartbreak and other is in pain due to giving him a heartbreak.
Rudra took his hand back. And gave vachi a small smile.
Aishani looked at rudra . As if feeling her strong gaze on him , rudra looked up only to meet with aishani's empty eyes .
Rudra averted his eyes and looked at Hridev and questioned him "so , how are you gonna tell all of your fans and your parents about your marriage?!".
Hridev added "my parents are coming tomorrow. And my fans , already know about my marriage. So we all switched of our phones.
The paparazzi took our pictures while we exited the Raichand and rajawat mansion".
Rudra gave him a nod. He looked at vachi in a questioning gaze . She understood his gaze and replied "my parents didn't accepted us and told us to not get infront of them."
Keshavi held vachi's hand knowing how much pain she is going through right now .
Rudra didn't said anything as he expected that .
Aishani who was silent all along , looked at rudra and spoke "rudra it's going to be 4 am. They need sleep. Let's go."
Rudra just simply nodded his head . Keshavi looked at manhar and signed him with eyes that they should also leave.
Manhar replied ok with eyes.
Aishani looked at Hridev and vachi and said "i don't know why you guys did this. When there are many ways that could've stopped the wedding.
As a friend who always cared for your happiness i will always be there for you.
I also cared for rudransh's happiness too .
So i should be there for him too. And ring me if you are in any problem". By saying this aishavi gave a tight hug to vachi and went towards Hridev and gave him a hug and started going towards the door.
Vachi just looked at her with pain. Because she knows that her friend should be there both sides and being on both sides where there is only pain, is a silent torcher for her.
Keshavi and manhar hugged vachi and Hridev and followed aishu.
There is rudra who just stood there. So manhar slowly called him "rudra... Let's go ".
Rudra turned back and started walking. But , he stopped abruptly and looked at both Hridev and vachi and spoke "if anyone ask about the relationship we had before , then say that we were never in relationship.
I don't want you guys to speak truth and get targeted by fans". Vachi and Hridev just looked at him. Hridev gave him a nod stopping his tears which are just about to flow.
Rudra started walking and soon he was out with aishani , keshavi and manhar.
They went down and aishu bid them a bye . Aishani took keys from rudra and started driving to Raichand mansion.
Soon they were in Raichand mansion. It was morning 4:30 when they reached.
They entered the living room and saw the television was playing.
There were headlines and paparazzi pictures of vachi and rudra going out from Raichand and Rajawat mansion .
"The famous Bollywood actor is now married to his bestfriend. "
"The Hridev Bhansali just got married yesterday to his girlfriend Vachi Rajawat"
"So was Rudransh Raichand and vachi Rajawat never a thing ?!"
"Why did Rudransh Raichand's mansion was decorated yesterday?".
"Was Rudransh not enough for vachi Rajawat ??".
"Khabar Mila hai ki Rudransh Raichand was spotted along with Aishani singhania in a jewellery shop ".
"What do you think they bought ?! Why did they went there ?!".
Aishani coughed making the Raichand's and Krupa know about their presence.
They all saw rudra and hurriedly turned off the television.
Rasha came forward to talk to her son , but rudra just ignored her and started going upstairs to his room.
Rasha looked at aishani and questioned her from where they were coming from this early morning.
Aishani explained to them everything. By hearing this Rasha started cryinga again .
As she know how much Rudra was in pain but never said anything.
After sometime, Krupa said that she and aishani will leave.
The Raichand's nodded. Aishani and Krupa went to their home . Singhania mansion.
Morning , 9:30 am .
Rudra was descending downstairs when they all spotted him in his office attire.
Siya asked "Bhai , aap office Jaa rahe ho ??"
( Brother , are you going to office ??")
Rudra came and sat at dining table and started serving himself breakfast.
He took a bite and replied to siya that he was indeed going to office.
Rehan was about to speak but sahil stopped him and told him to be silent..
Rudra soon finished his breakfast and soon went out and took his car and started driving towards RR groups.
Within an hour he reached his office. His assistant and PA who knew about the fiasco that happened was shocked to see his boss in the office.
Only his PA knew that vachi and him were in love with each other since long . So it totally shocked him yesterday when he saw the news.
Akhil , his PA ran into his cabin . Rudra asked him today's schedule.
Akhil said that today his schedule was cleared because few days back he told him to clear his schedule so that he could take vachi out .
Rudra dismissed him. Rudra just sat in his cabin , looking at the view , where all the buildings can be seen.
1 hour passed. His PA barged in . Rudra looked at him angrily .
Akhil apologized immediately and said " sorry sir but u need to see this news."
Rudra took the tablet from Akhil's hand and saw the news.
There were pictures of some bill. Rudra didn't paid attention to them and gave akhil a "are u kidding me" look .
Akhil understood that his boss didn't get the thing and told him to read the headlines and news paragraph.
"It was not #RuChi . It was "RuShani all long "
"This is the proof that Rudra Raichand and Aishani singhania were in relationship and shopped for the engagement ring "
The bill you see here is the same bill that Rudra Raichand spent on Aishani singhania for their engagement ring. He actually spent a 85 lakhs ring on her.
"This is the video where they both talked to one of the employee in the shop. We can see how gentle and soft his eyes were when he was speaking with Aishani singhania. The one who doesn't gave a smile . This is what called love is".
As Rudransh read this , he threw the tablet to a corner. It got broken into pieces.
Akhil knew that his boss was angry . Akhil trembled in fear. Rudra looked at his PA and spoke "tell the driver to get the car ready" and began furiously walking out of his cabin .
Akhil with trembling fingers called the driver and told him to be ready.
Rudra went to ground floor of his office and spotted one of his car waiting for him . He soon got into that and told him to reach "Miracle beauty" .
The driver started the car and soon they were in aishani's office.
As he entered the office , soon there were murmers. Some were shocked because they saw him here first time .
Some were shocked how handsome he looked . Some were shocked due to the news.
Rudra went inside the elevator and started going towards aishu's floor. Within few minutes he reached there.
Aishani's PA Stacy was shocked to see him here. Before she could get out of the shock and inform aishu about his visit , he barged into aishani's cabin.
Aishani was about to scold whoever entered. She looked up from her laptop and saw that it was Rudransh.
To be continued.....
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